Blueberry Crisp

This blueberry crisp is a simple, quick dessert (or if you’re like Charles, even a breakfast) that will impress and delight any guests you have coming to visit. It uses pantry staples and frozen blueberries, so it can be thrown together at the last minute if necessary and takes longer to cook than it does to prepare.

Filling Ingredients
5 cups of fresh or frozen Wilmot Orchards blueberries
1/2 cup sugar
4 tsp All-Purpose flour

Crumble Ingredients
1 cup All-Purpose flour
1 cup oats
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 cup melted butter
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350F. In a large bowl coat blueberries with sugar and flour before placing mixture into a 9×9 pan. Using the same now empty, bowl, mix together flour, oats, brown sugar and ground cinnamon. Add melted butter and mix until everything is incorporated and large clumps form. Evenly distribute crumble on top of blueberry filling in the pan. Place pan in the oven for 35 minutes or until crumble is golden brown. Allow blueberry crisp to cool for approximately 5 minutes before enjoying it.


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